Am I saved?

People often get asked if they are saved, or concerned about their salvation or being afraid of death.
Initially God created us to be with him in the Garden of Eden. However, Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, bringing sin into our lives. And the sin separates us from God. There is no life without God. Sin brings death...
乃是你們的罪孽使你們跟你們的上帝隔絕﹐而你們的罪使他掩面不聽你們阿。( 以賽亞書 59:2 )
死的毒刺就是罪﹐罪的勢力就是律法。( 哥林多前書 15:56 )
What about those who do not sin?
我們若說『我們沒有罪』﹐便是欺騙自己﹐真實就不在我們裡面了。( 約翰壹書 1:8 )
地上實在沒有一個義人﹑時常行善而未嘗犯罪的。( 傳道書 7:20 )
What does it mean to be separated from God?
惟獨犯罪的人﹑他自己必死亡;兒子必不擔當父親的罪罰﹐父親也不擔當兒子的罪罰;義人的義果必歸他自己﹐惡人的惡報也必歸他自己。( 以西結書 18:20 )
God is light, God is love, God is life. Being separated from God means being separated from life. This is what we can see from the following verses.
生命在他裡面【有古卷作:『萬物藉著他而被造;沒有一物是在他以外而被造的。凡已被造的﹐有生命在他裡面】;這生命就是人的光。 光在黑暗中照耀著﹐黑暗卻沒有勝過了【或譯:『去領會』;或『趕上了』】光。( 約翰福音 1:4-5 )
上帝乃是光﹐在他裡面都沒有黑暗:這就是我們從他所聽見﹑如今又傳告你們的信息。( 約翰壹書 1:5 )
上帝的靈造了我﹐全能者的氣使我活著。( 約伯記 33:4 )
上帝在我們身上所施【希臘文:有】的愛﹑我們就知道﹐也相信了。上帝就是愛;住在愛裡面的﹑就是住在上帝裡面﹐上帝也住在他裡面。( 約翰壹書 4:16 )
How can we reunite with God and have eternal life?
If God is in heaven and we are on earth, what can we do to reach and reunite with God?
除了那從天上降下來的人子【有古卷加:那原在天上的】﹐沒有人升過天。( 約翰福音 3:13 )
「那從上頭來的是在萬有之上;那從地上出的是屬地的﹐他講屬地的事。那從天上來的【有古卷加:是在萬有之上。】 上帝所差遣的那一位講上帝的話語;因為上帝賜聖靈﹑總無限量。( 約翰福音 3:31-32,34 )
Jesus Christ came down from heaven, what does he say about salvation?
上帝這樣地愛世人﹐甚至賜下獨生子﹐使一切信他的人都不滅亡﹑而得永生。 因為上帝差遣那兒子到世界上來﹐不是要定世人的罪【同詞:審判;下同】﹐乃是要叫世人藉著他而得救。( 約翰福音 3:16-17 )
So, we just need to believe in the Son of God to have eternal life? Even if we sinned? How will we be judged?
信他的人不被定罪;不信的巳被定罪;因為他不信上帝獨生子的名。( 約翰福音 3:18 )
我實實在在地告訴你們﹐聽我的話﹑而信差我者的﹑有永生﹐不至於受定罪﹐乃是已經從死裡越到生裡來了。( 約翰福音 5:24 )
What about any other ways to reunite with God, our father?
耶穌對他說:「我就是道路﹐就是『真實【或譯:真理】』﹐就是生命;若不是藉著我﹐就沒有人能來找父。( 約翰福音 14:6 )
What does it mean to believe in God and Jesus Christ?
To believe in Jesus Christ, you need to know more about Him than just a name. Better to read the whole Bible, as it's impossible to get a clear picture without knowing the whole story. You need to read about the Messiah and his role in Israel, Judea and the rest of the world in Old Testament. Then read Jesus' story in the New Testament and decide for yourself if you believe that He is the Messiah, the anointed one. To get you started, here are some verses.
What is the relationship between Jesus Christ and God?
他是人不能見的上帝之像﹐是首先者超越一切被創造者; 因為上帝早就樂意使完全豐滿都住在他裏面;( 歌羅西書 1:15,19 )
在他們﹑今世的神已把不信之人的心意弄瞎了﹐以致基督〈上帝的像〉榮耀之福音之光照著不能發曉於他們心裡。( 哥林多後書 4:4 )
What does Jesus Christ himself say about that?
耶穌對他說:「腓力﹐我同你們在起﹑有這麼長的時間﹐你還不認識我麼?看見了我的﹑就已經看見了父﹐你怎麼說『將父指給我們看』呢?( 約翰福音 14:9 )
看見我的﹑就是看見那差我的。( 約翰福音 12:45 )
And few more verses about Jesus...
他是上帝榮耀所發的光輝﹐是上帝本質印出的相。他用他能力的話扶載萬有。既成就了潔淨罪的事﹐便坐在高天『皇威』的右邊。( 希伯來書 1:3 )
道成了肉身﹐住在我們中間〈我們見過他的榮光﹐正是個獨生者由父而來的榮光〉﹐豐豐滿滿地有恩典有『真實』。( 約翰福音 1:14 )
Now you know more about salvation. However, if you are still concerned about whether you're saved, you need to know the following.
因為凡想要救自己性命的﹐必失掉真性命;凡為我失掉自己性命的﹐必得著真性命。( 馬太福音 16:25 )
Now, instead of worrying about being saved, focus on understanding the Gospel, the true image of the God through Jesus Christ the Son. And follow him. Jesus will take care of the rest.
但是你們要先尋求他的國和他的義﹐這一切就都附加給你們了。( 馬太福音 6:33 )