Why are there so many Christian churches?

There are so many churches in the world, each with a different set of traditions, rituals and beliefs. Which one should we join?
Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian... There are dozens of major christian denominations, and many churches often distantiate themselves from other churches, highlighting differences in rituals and beliefs.
Is it good for Christianity to have different churches, so that one can join the church that fits him most?
The separations between Christian started happening early in the days of Apostle Paul. This is what he wrote to the church at Corinth.
我說的是:你們各人說:『我是宗保羅的』﹐『我是宗亞波羅的』﹐『我是宗磯洗的』﹐『我是宗基督的』。 難道基督是分開的麼?難道是保羅替你們釘了十字架麼?或是你們愛過洗﹑歸於保羅名下麼?( 哥林多前書 1:12-13 )
So, let's ask ourselves if Baptists were crucified on the cross for us? Or, you were baptized in the name of Luther?
Christians keep fighting in debates about details on rituals, definition of the trinity, on the God's name, who can be named an apostle... Many philosophers and wise man read the Bible and argue over the meaning of certain verses and chapters. But what our human wisdom can lead us to?
智慧人在哪裡?經學士在哪裡?今世的辯士在哪裡?上帝豈不是叫世界上的智慧變成了愚拙麼?( 哥林多前書 1:20 )
Our human wisdom and the distinguished set of beliefs, even when scraped out of Bible, won't help us.
當那些時候﹐耶穌應時地說:「父阿﹐天地的主阿﹐我稱謝你﹐因為你將這些事向智慧通達的人隱藏起來﹐向嬰孩卻啟示了。( 馬太福音 11:25 )
Each Christian denomination embraces its own beliefs, establishes policies and rituals for the churches and their leaders to follow. But that all leads to one thing - separation. And how having separate churches impacts Christianity?
耶穌知道他們的心思﹐就對他們說:「凡國自相分爭﹐必至於荒涼;凡城或家自相分爭﹐必站立不住。( 馬太福音 12:25 )
When we walk on a road towards a goal, we do not draw too much attention to the obstacles on our way. We do not focus on discussing the obstacles and different ways of dealing with them. Instead, we keep our eyes on the goal and moving on. The same applies toward discussions about how to cross yourself right, the proper baptism procedure and so on. Do not let these discussions separate us and distract from the main thing.
弟兄們﹐我憑著我們主耶穌基督的名勸你們要說一致的話﹐不要有分裂之爭在你們中間﹐只要用一致的心思一致的意見﹑大家聯結。 你們在基督耶穌裡是出於上帝的:使基督耶穌成了我們從上帝得的智慧﹑成了我們的義﹑跟我們的聖化及得贖放;( 哥林多前書 1:10,30 )
So, should we not join any church at all then? No. Joining a church helps you learn the Word of God through preaching.
本著上帝的智慧﹑世人既沒有憑著智慧認識上帝﹐上帝就樂意藉著宣傳之話的愚拙﹑來救信的人。( 哥林多前書 1:21 )
Remember, that church is not a building, but church is people. God's people and God's temple
豈不曉得你們乃是上帝的殿堂﹐上帝的靈住在你們裡面麼?( 哥林多前書 3:16 )
As a church member, you need to maintain and ensure the right foundation for your own life, heart and soul - Jesus Christ.
因為除了那已立好的根基﹑耶穌基督﹑沒有人能立別的根基。( 哥林多前書 3:11 )
And avoid following particular denominations or individual leaders. Do not act like people of this world.
因為一個人說﹑『我是宗保羅的』﹐另一個說﹑『我是宗亞波羅的』:你們這樣說﹑豈不是俗人麼? 亞波羅到底是甚麼?保羅是甚麼?無非是僕役﹐你們藉著他們而相信的﹑照主所賜給各人的罷了。 我栽種了﹐亞波羅澆灌【與2節『餧……喝』一詞同字】了﹐而使他長大的卻是上帝。 所以栽種的算不了甚麼﹐澆灌的也算不了甚麼﹐惟獨使他長大的上帝乃是一切之一切。( 哥林多前書 3:4-7 )
And always be mindful to focus on the main thing - the Christ Jesus, the true image of the one and only one living God.
所以誰都不要拿人來誇口了!一切都是你們的: 或保羅﹑或亞波羅﹑或磯法﹑或世界﹑或活﹑或死﹑或現在的﹑或將來的﹑全是你們的; 但你們卻是基督的﹐基督又是上帝的。( 哥林多前書 3:21-23 )