I do not fit in this world

"Whatever I do, I'm an outsider. Day by day I confirm the fact that nobody likes me, nobody needs me, I feel miserable among people who sky rocketed in their careers, got smiling families and colleagues respecting them. I can no longer stand these happy faces around us in the world that I do not fit in..." - Does this feeling seem familiar to you?
You are not alone. There are millions of us, just like you. Many of us do not belong to this world.
「世界若恨你們﹐你們該知道在恨你們以先﹑它已經恨了我了。 你們若屬於世界﹐世界就必愛屬自己的;只因你們不屬於世界﹐乃是我揀選了你們出世界﹐故此世界恨你們。( 約翰福音 15:18-19 )
What does this world offer to us? Feeling important and special, ability to earn money, buy a car and a big house? Receive praise from your friends confirming your acceptance and special status among them? Or it's a feeling of being better than others? Maybe enjoyment of being served by other people? Or, it's just all these gadgets your can buy and play with? Or the world's offer is an employment in a big company where you can be helping other people build their career, show your grace by promoting your direct reports or helping them with their technical challenges? Flying in first class and driving in business conferences? Publishing pictures of yourself in expensive restaurants on social networks?
That’s amazing, right? Who would not want that? Yes, indeed, let’s be honest and not deny it - it sounds attractive! However, sooner or later we will understand that none of the offers of this world will fill in the emptiness and loneliness inside of us. Then we’ll feel fooled by following the world, following the lust of that fake treasure for years and only now realizing that the praise from the friends that seemed to valuable to us all that time is nothing more than just a masked envy and hatred.
When Jesus came down to Earth and offered the freedom to people, many of them believed him, but nobody dared to acknowledge it publicly,
因為他們愛由人來的榮耀﹐不愛由上帝來的榮耀。( 約翰福音 12:43 )
Here we are, bound to the human praise and acceptance. Free birds bound to a golden cage. A fish attracted to a lure. Bound by a fear of other's opinion...
懼怕人的﹑乃自設網羅;但倚靠永恆主的﹑必得到安穩。( 箴言 29:25 )
Yes, we do not have to try to fit into this world. We do not have to follow the desire for the values of this world, straining our souls and draining our hearts. Like plastic jewelry won’t be any match to the real genuine diamond, offers of this world will never fill the emptiness in our hearts. It will never satisfy the thirst we feel.
別愛世界﹑或世界上的事物了。人若愛世界﹐愛父的心就不在他裡面了。( 約翰壹書 2:15 )
There is a source of true love, true knowledge, true path to life, the water source that we never get thirsty after.
惟獨凡喝我所要給的水的﹐一定永遠不渴;我所要給的水﹑必在他裡面成為水泉﹐直湧【希臘文作:踴】歸永生。」( 約翰福音 4:14 )
You may or may not know Jesus Christ (even though you have likely heard the name), who he is and where he is from. Yet, there is one thing we could see right away - he’s not of this world.
我將你的話給了他們﹐而世界的人恨了他們﹐因為他們不屬於世界﹐正如我不屬於世界。( 約翰福音 17:14 )
And he does not accept what this world has to offer.
魔鬼又帶耶穌上了一座極高的山﹐將世界萬國與其榮華都指給他看﹐ 對他說:「你若俯伏拜我﹐我就把這一切都給你。」 耶穌對他說:「撒但【即:魔鬼的別名】退去!因為有記著說:『要拜主你的上帝﹐單單事奉他。』」( 馬太福音 4:8-10 )
When we feel useless, abandoned, empty, not of this world, we can drink the water that Jesus offers us. It would give us the knowledge we need, so that we never feel thirsty again. He also is the right path that leads to the real treasure humans have been seeking all their life for.
耶穌對他說:「我就是道路﹐就是『真實【或譯:真理】』﹐就是生命;若不是藉著我﹐就沒有人能來找父。( 約翰福音 14:6 )
It is natural for all of us to have a need to feel special, to feel loved just the way we are. Everybody knows that we are created by God’s image. But we easily forget how special we are in God’s eyes.
你在我眼中被看為至寶﹐你受尊榮﹐而我愛你﹐因此我使沿海地帶【傳統:人】代替你﹐使列國之民替換你的性命。( 以賽亞書 43:4 )
We may still feel an urge to do something useful in our lives and get rid of that feeling of uselessness. For that we need to understand that the most important thing for us is to be found… Our heavenly father will leave everybody else just to find you, the lost sheep…
若是找著了﹐我實在告訴你們﹐他為了這一隻來歡喜﹐比為了那九十九隻沒有迷路的﹐歡喜還要大呢。( 馬太福音 18:13 )
Let’s look deeper inside and see where the disturbing feeling of uselessness is coming from and where it is leading us to. If the feeling wants us to seek for human acceptance or praise, then think twice before letting that feeling take over you. But if what you are feeling is driven by the love to God or your love to others who you can help in their time of need, then go for it! For God is with you, and he has a plan for you.
因為我知道我向你們懷的意念﹑永恆主發神諭說﹑是賜福利的意念﹐不是降災禍的意念;是要給你們好的晚景和希望。( 耶利米書 29:11 )
If you are still unsure what is the plan that God has for you, just pray… And then look around. Maybe you are already on the right path?
「我將平安留下給你們;我的平安﹑我給你們;我給你們﹑不像世人那樣給。你們心裡必震盪不安了﹐別膽怯了。( 約翰福音 14:27 )