About Us

Understand Bible is a non-profit project founded and funded by volunteers who feel the need to share the Word Of God with everybody who has access to the Internet and can read. 

We publish questions and add references from Bible answering them in all languages we possibly can.

En die evangelie moet eers aan al die nasies verkondig word.

( Markus 13:10 )

We refrain from adding excessive comments and explanation in favor of letting God's work from the Bible verses speak right to the hearts of the readers. 

Our goal is not to start public discussions on popular topics but to give a direct reference from the Bible to those seeking for answers. We want to help find answers to those who is stuck or confused about what they read. 

We'll try to use a simple and plain language so that everybody will understand.

en my rede en my prediking was nie in oorredende woorde van menslike wysheid nie, maar in die betoning van gees en krag,

( 1 Korintiërs 2:4 )

This website is not intended to be used as a substitute for a Bible. We encourage you reading and studying God's Word independently and turn to our website if you have questions, get stuck or have a situation in life that needs an encouragement from God.

If you have comments or feedback on anything, feel free to contact us using Contact form on our website.