Why do righteous suffer and wicked flourish? Where is justice?

In this world we often see that people are not treated fairly. We see righteous suffer and wicked flourish. But why is that? According to the Bible, God gives justice to those who are treated unfairly.
耶和华施行公义,为一切受屈的人伸冤。( 诗篇 103:6 )
But if God gives justice, then why are we seeing so much injustice around?
Let's look into the past. We supposed to be just to each other, help and spread love to one another. Instead, we did cruel things before God's eyes here, on Earth.
把自己的儿女祭祀鬼魔, 流无辜人的血,就是自己儿女的血,把他们祭祀迦南的偶像,那地就被血污秽了。 这样,他们被自己所做的污秽了,在行为上犯了邪淫。 所以,耶和华的怒气向他的百姓发作,憎恶他的产业,( 诗篇 106:37-40 )
And even in modern times, we're afraid to look at ourselves honestly. Not just at our actions, but also to objectively evaluate our thoughts and wishes. It's very difficult to accept someone's honest feedback on us. Instead, we prefer sweet lie.
你们怨恨那在城门口责备人的,憎恶那说正直话的。( 阿摩司书 5:10 )
For centuries, we - people - were not judging other people like us, fairly. And our God could not leave that unnoticed. Despite Jerusalem being the city of people who are deeply loved by God, it received the justice like everyone else. We can't keep doing evil things and rely that God will keep forgiving us forever.
<耶路撒冷的罪> 你们当在耶路撒冷的街上跑来跑去,在宽阔处寻找,看看有一人行公义求诚实没有?若有,我就赦免这城。( 耶利米书 5:1 )
地上的君王和世上的居民都不信敌人和仇敌能进耶路撒冷的城门。 这都因她先知的罪恶和祭司的罪孽;他们在城中流了义人的血。( 耶利米哀歌 4:12-13 )
Because of our injustice towards others, our hate towards truth, our pride and sin, we separated ourself from God, and we separated ourself from justice. We willingly walk away from a lake with crystal clear water, further and further, get thirsty and cry "Where is water? I do not see it!". Where is God, can't he help?
<先知指责人民的罪恶> 耶和华的膀臂并非缩短,不能拯救,耳朵并非发沉,不能听见, 但你们的罪孽使你们与 神隔绝;你们的罪恶使他掩面不听你们。 因你们的手被血沾染,你们的指头被罪孽沾污,你们的嘴唇说谎言,你们的舌头出恶语。 无一人按公义告状,无一人凭诚实辩白;都倚靠虚妄,说谎言。所怀的是毒害;所生的是罪孽。 他们菢毒蛇蛋,结蜘蛛网;人吃这蛋必死。这蛋被踏,必出蝮蛇。 所结的网不能成为衣服;所做的也不能遮盖自己。他们的行为都是罪孽;手所做的都是强暴。 他们的脚奔跑行恶;他们急速流无辜人的血;意念都是罪孽,所经过的路都荒凉毁灭。 平安的路,他们不知道;所行的事没有公平。他们为自己修弯曲的路;凡行此路的都不知道平安。 <人民悔罪> 因此,公平离我们远,公义追不上我们。我们指望光亮,却是黑暗,指望光明,却行幽暗。 我们摸索墙壁,好像瞎子;我们摸索,如同无目之人。我们晌午绊脚,如在黄昏一样;我们在肥壮人中,像死人一般。 我们咆哮如熊,哀鸣如鸽;指望公平,却是没有;指望救恩,却远离我们。( 以赛亚书 59:1-11 )
Yes, we sinned. And yes, we still sin. We've made our mistakes. Yet we can open our hearts toward God, repent and ask for forgiveness. And when we open our hearts for God, let's close them for sin from now on.
人子啊,你要对本国的人民说:义人的义,在犯罪之日不能救他;至于恶人的恶,在他转离恶行之日也不能使他倾倒;义人在犯罪之日也不能因他的义存活。 我对义人说:‘你必定存活!’他若倚靠他的义而作罪孽,他所行的义都不被记念。他必因所作的罪孽死亡。 再者,我对恶人说:‘你必定死亡!’他若转离他的罪,行正直与合理的事: 还人的当头和所抢夺的,遵行生命的律例,不作罪孽,他必定存活,不致死亡。 他所犯的一切罪必不被记念。他行了正直与合理的事,必定存活。 “你本国的子民还说:‘主的道不公平。’其实他们的道不公平。( 以西结书 33:12-17 )
We can be confident that God will hear us. We can be confident that it's never too late to turn away from our sins and get forgiveness, receive God's grace.
父亲怎样怜恤他的儿女,耶和华也怎样怜恤敬畏他的人!( 诗篇 103:13 )
凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他;所以你要发热心,也要悔改。( 启示录 3:19 )
And without a doubt, justice will prevail, and everyone will receive what they deserve.
我──耶和华是鉴察人心、试验人肺腑的,要照各人所行的和他做事的结果报应他。( 耶利米书 17:10 )
However, why do the truly righteous suffer?
Even if we forget the fact that there is not a single sinless person on Earth, we still need to remember that we can't always understand God's ways. While we may understand what is good and evil, we cannot properly apply that knowledge because we do not see the whole picture.
天怎样高过地,照样,我的道路高过你们的道路;我的意念高过你们的意念。( 以赛亚书 55:9 )
And we will not always understand why the good people we know are troubled with so many sorrows that occurred in their lives. But let's take a look at some examples in the Bible about those who suffered. If you remember the story about Joseph who was raised from a slave to the second most powerful person in Egypt.
在他们以先打发一个人去──约瑟被卖为奴仆。 人用脚镣伤他的脚;他被铁链捆拘。 耶和华的话试炼他,直等到他所说的应验了。( 诗篇 105:17-19 )
Joseph went through many trials before receiving the blessing he's been waiting for. And the trials he received were not necessarily the punishment for his sins, but a necessary learning process that made him qualify for the high position he was going to receive.
Jesus himself suffered in his Earthly life, even though he did not sin.
他虽然为儿子,还是因所受的苦难学了顺从。( 希伯来书 5:8 )
Some of us lost our parents or dear ones. They died despite us praying to God day and night asking to spare their lives. Why doesn't God hear us?
When our dear ones die, we lose connection with them, we can no longer see them, talk to them, see their smiles, receive an encouraging advice. We see their death as the end where nothing we can do... But God can. Not a single person is dead for God. God hears us and our prayers. He wants good for us, but he also wants good for the ones who we lost.
<以色列拜偶像被定罪> 义人死亡,无人放在心上;虔诚人被收去,无人思念。这义人被收去是免了将来的祸患; 他们得享{原文是进入}平安。素行正直的,各人在坟里{原文是床上}安歇。( 以赛亚书 57:1-2 )
Do you believe you are being faithful to God, and yet life is very hard on you? Like a loving father, our God is teaching and disciplining us, purifies and getting us ready to receive the gift from God.
你们所忍受的,是 神管教你们,待你们如同待儿子。焉有儿子不被父亲管教的呢? 管教原是众子所共受的。你们若不受管教,就是私子,不是儿子了。 再者,我们曾有生身的父管教我们,我们尚且敬重他,何况万灵的父,我们岂不更当顺服他得生吗? 生身的父都是暂随己意管教我们;惟有万灵的父管教我们,是要我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有分。 凡管教的事,当时不觉得快乐,反觉得愁苦;后来却为那经练过的人结出平安的果子,就是义。( 希伯来书 12:7-11 )
因此,你们是大有喜乐;但如今,在百般的试炼中暂时忧愁, 叫你们的信心既被试验,就比那被火试验仍然能坏的金子更显宝贵,可以在耶稣基督显现的时候得著称赞、荣耀、尊贵。( 彼得前书 1:6-7 )
We see evildoers having a peaceful life, escaping justice and enjoying many pleasures. Some of them broke our lives and enjoy using others to satisfy their needs. We do not see any judgement applied to them. Yet, we should not think they can escape God's judgement.
他们死的时候没有疼痛;他们的力气却也壮实。 他们不像别人受苦,也不像别人遭灾。 所以,骄傲如链子戴在他们的项上;强暴像衣裳遮住他们的身体。 他们的眼睛因体胖而凸出;他们所得的,过于心里所想的。 他们讥笑人,凭恶意说欺压人的话;他们说话自高。 他们的口亵渎上天;他们的舌毁谤全地。 所以 神的民归到这里,喝尽了满杯的苦水。 他们说: 神怎能晓得?至高者岂有知识呢?( 诗篇 73:4-11 )
你实在把他们安在滑地,使他们掉在沉沦之中。 他们转眼之间成了何等的荒凉!他们被惊恐灭尽了。 人睡醒了,怎样看梦;主啊,你醒了也必照样轻看他们的影像。( 诗篇 73:18-20 )
畜类人不晓得;愚顽人也不明白。 恶人茂盛如草,一切作孽之人发旺的时候,正是他们要灭亡,直到永远。( 诗篇 92:6-7 )
不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不要嫉妒恶人; 因为,恶人终不得善报;恶人的灯也必熄灭。( 箴言 24:19-20 )
Remember that God is always fair and just. We do not always understand his ways, and sometimes we are quick to judge others. Instead, let's leave the justice to God, yet doing our best to treat everybody around with respect and love.
凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告他的,耶和华便与他们相近。 敬畏他的,他必成就他们的心愿,也必听他们的呼求,拯救他们。( 诗篇 145:18-19 )
耶和华必在你前面行;他必与你同在,必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。不要惧怕,也不要惊惶。”( 申命记 31:8 )