Am I saved?

Bible chapter Genesis

People often get asked if they are saved, or concerned about their salvation or being afraid of death.

Our sins separated us from God

Initially God created us to be with him in the Garden of Eden. However, Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, bringing sin into our lives. And the sin separates us from God. There is no life without God. Sin brings death...

( 59:2 )

( 15:56 )

What about those who do not sin?

( 1:8 )

( 7:20 )

What does it mean to be separated from God?

( 18:20 )

Why can't we live without God?

God is light, God is love, God is life. Being separated from God means being separated from life.

( 1:4-5 )

( 1:5 )

( 33:4 )

( 4:16 )

How can we reunite with God and have eternal life?

If God is in heaven and we are on earth, what can we do to reach and reunite with God?

( 3:13 )

( 3:31-32,34 )

Jesus Christ came down from heaven, what does he say about salvation?

( 3:16-17 )

So, we just ned to believe in the Son of God to have eternal life? Even if we sinned? How will we be judged?

( 3:18 )

( 5:24 )

What about any other ways to reunite with God, our father?

( 14:6 )

What does it mean to believe in God and Jesus Christ?

First of all, we need to know who is Jesus Christ. For that we need to read the whole Bible, as it's impossible to get a clear picture without knowing the whole story. However, to get you started...

What is the relationship between Jesus Christ and God?

( 1:15,19 )

( 4:4 )

What does Jesus Christ himself say about that?

( 14:9 )

( 12:45 )

And few more verses about Jesus...

( 1:3 )

( 1:14 )


Now you know more about salvation. However, if you are still concerned about whether you're saved, you need to know the following.

( 16:25 )

Now, instead of worrying about being saved, focus on understanding the Gospel, the true image of the God through Jesus Christ the Son. And follow him. Jesus will take care of the rest.

( 6:33 )