Do not be afraid, for God is with you

Scared child looking at the hole in the wall

Sometimes we get afraid of something. There can be a fear of losing a family member, fear of death or prosecution, losing a job, afraid of retirement...


( 诗篇 56:3 )

You are not the only one who’s afraid. In fact, every single person on Earth is afraid of something at one moment in life or at another.

At first, lets understand that we are not afraid of what has happened in the past, not afraid of what is happening right this very moment. We are afraid of what may happen in the future - in a second, hour, month or year from now.

And who is in charge of your future how you see it now? Think of it - is it your boss who may fire you? Is it the doctor who’s trying to save your family member from death? Is it your enemy that is trying to kill you? Is it you in control of your own future and the step you’re taking can cause deadly consequences?

In reality, no one can control their future, and neither can you. Here is what Jesus tells about a rich man who was trying to secure his future by saving an abundant amount of grains in his barns.


( 路加福音 12:20 )

However, you do control who you’re walking with into the future. You can walk there with God, or without God.

Whatever led you throughout your life until now, resulting in the fear - leave it alone. And walk with God, away from the darkness of your past.

If you were lucky enough to have a father, remember how safe and protected you felt with him when you were a little kid. When he held your hand and walked with you, you felt safe and joyful.

Now you have your heavenly father who created you, deeply loves you, who can walk with you from now on.


( 以赛亚书 64:8 )

And he is far more powerful and mighty than anyone else on Earth.

神将北极铺在空中,将大地悬在虚空; 将水包在密云中,云却不破裂; 遮蔽他的宝座,将云铺在其上; 在水面的周围划出界限,直到光明黑暗的交界。 天的柱子因他的斥责震动惊奇。 他以能力搅动{或译:平静}大海;他藉知识打伤拉哈伯, 藉他的灵使天有妆饰;他的手刺杀快蛇。 看哪,这不过是 神工作的些微;我们所听于他的是何等细微的声音!他大能的雷声谁能明透呢?

( 约伯记 26:7-14 )

Let your father lead your life. Let him take care of your future. If you remember that joyful feeling when you were a kid surrounded by parents, bring it back. Become a kid again who let parents take care of his worries.

你不要害怕,因为我与你同在;不要惊惶,因为我是你的 神。我必坚固你,我必帮助你;我必用我公义的右手扶持你。

( 以赛亚书 41:10 )

If we get to know God more, it'll help us understand his power. Here is how apostle John describes him.

< 神就是光>  神就是光,在他毫无黑暗。这是我们从主所听见、又报给你们的信息。

( 约翰一书 1:5 )

( 约翰福音 1:5 )

We also hear the same from Jesus, who is the true image of the invisible God.

<耶稣是世界的光> 耶稣又对众人说:“我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走,必要得着生命的光。”

( 约翰福音 8:12 )

When you leave the darkness and walk with God, ask yourself - can you shine the same way as your father does?

The light of our father and his sone Jesus is not a usual light. The lights we know of are powered by electricity, from a wax candle or a fire wood... But the light of our father God is powered by love.

没有爱心的,就不认识 神,因为 神就是爱。

( 约翰一书 4:8 )

To take the victory over the enemies of this world, Jesus used the weapon that can’t be defeated. That weapon is love.


( 马太福音 26:67 )

( 路加福音 23:34 )

( 约翰福音 16:33 )

Therefore, take courage and love. Love God, your family, your neighbors and your enemies. Do not forget about yourself - love yourself as you are, with all your failures, fears and imperfections.


( 约翰福音 13:34 )

And when there is love, there is no fear, for love drives out fear.


( 约翰一书 4:18 )

We are all humans, with our weaknesses and fears. We are easily lost in our life without the light of love.

The light leaves no darkness. As we love our enemies, the light reaches them and casts away the all darkness from them.


( 箴言 25:21 )

Even our enemies can love. But they could be left in darkness by someone bullying them in their childhood, or by parents or friends who left them, or by some internal insecurity that left them no place in this world and pushed to the darkness.

Use your love towards your enemies, put your sword back.


( 马太福音 26:52 )

Use your new undefeatable weapon - love. Go ahead and shine in this world where fearful darkness has no place to hide. For you are not alone, never alone.

Have faith, leave doubts behind. For if God is with you, who can be against you?


( 以赛亚书 54:17 )